Monday, October 29, 2007


I don't even have the time to poo.

you get the point.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

This is for you.

I thought that I'd try something different.
But I stumbled upon this which speaks right through my heart.
So, there you go...

This is for you.

The one person i can tell my heart to.
Who can relate to me like no other
Who I can laugh with to no extents,
Who I can cry to when times are tough,
Who can help me with the problems of my life.

Never have you turned your back on me
Or told me I wasn't good enough
Or let me down.

I don't think you know what that means to me
You have went through so much pain and you still have time
For me.
And I love you for listening even when inside you are dying.
And I look up to you because you are strong, and caring and beautiful.
Even though you don't think you are.

And I hope you know that I am always here
To listen to you laugh and cry and help
In all the ways that i can
And I will try to be at least half the friend you are
To me.

I hope you know I would not be the person I am today, without you.
And I thank God for you,
My best friend.

Happy 21st birthday Cheryl G. (affectionately known as ryl)

Love you and God bless :)

Sunday, October 21, 2007

I close my eyes

..And I see your face. If home's where my heart is then I'm out of place. Lord, won't you give me strength to make it through somehow. I've never been more homesick than now. In Christ, there are no goodbyes. And in Christ, there is no end. So I'll hold onto Jesus with all that I have.. To see you again.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Yes, I do..

like most girls,
have an ideal guy in mind.

muahahhahaahaha. I know I know I know.
I don't usually do this, just SO NOT me.

BUT today, i thought I'd reveal this little 'otherside' of me. hahah!

There goes..
1) Ryan Gosling- (man, the ultimate romance)
2)Joshua Ang- (bad boy kind, me like ; but apparently, taken-_-)
3)Milo Ventimiglia-(THIS. Unattainable)

And finally.
The one with THE character and THE personality that I've been looking for.
The one who's driving my adrenaline crazy.
The one who's keeping me up at nite.
The one who's made me felt like I've never FELT before. (???!)
The one.. the one... aahhhhh! dunno how to describe.

And he is..

Phillip Wang!


p/s- and NO. It's NOT about/because of the looks. This isn't superficial. Definately NOT.

RYL!! WE ARE GOING TO THE STATES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! X)
(but uh, save up first -__-'')

I'm coming!!! STATES.

I can't believe you'd impact me THIS much.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

This is what you get

flora: "hey emmm!!! "
"wo gen ni shuo e chien shi, ni bu yao shang xin, hao ma?

"se mo?"

flora: "ni .... phang le.."


flora: "e tien tien la.. e tien tien!.. "


*obviously 'hen tuo'.*

.... when you meet up with friends who havent seen you for a while.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

This is what I call...

'hello, how are you?'
''good, thank you. table for 4??''
'any drinks for a start?'

*writes* 390ml..
*writes* can.
*writes* 2xcorkage

"lets just have some entree three sping rolls, do you reckon?"
'yeah sure..:)' *writes*... 3 x S/R
"we'll get a short soup" *writes*.. s/p
"one honey chicken." *writes*.. hon chic
"sweet & sour pork" *writes*.. s/s pork
"Large deluxe fried rice." *writes*.. LDFR
"and a sizzling mongolian lamb" *writes*.. sizz mong lamb

'anything else??'

"oh and and maybe we should get a korean seafood noodles too'
* gosh, tht's just packet noodles -__-'' *

"and some sweetsour sauce too"

'that's a dollar extra'

''yeah sure,thts fine''

-___-'' *goodness*


3+3.80+10.50+9.50+5.50+13.50+12+1+2.20+2.40+2= 56.40$

um..that's 56.40,
thank you!

there you go, 3.60 change!

thank you darln'

'have a good nite!'
'see ya!'

*ringggg*... *ringgg*
"hello, ****** can i help you??
'can i have some food to take away please?'

oh sure?

'can i have your name?'
'your number??'
'thank you.'
'that will take about umm.. 10 minutes?'
''that's alright!"
'see ya!'

"pick up for **** ?"

'there you go!'
'have a good nite!'

*fakes smile*

A routine.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Not quite yet.

Its been 7 years since...

And I should be used to it by now.

But I am not.

It's ridiculous.


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

pardon my..

I was blog surfing. and i stumbled upon this site-

I've got no qualms whatsoever bout her opinions/thoughts/wtv and in fact I am rather impressed with the way she perceives matters. Very good read (for young women particularly;)

Anyway, that's not the point.

There was this post where she included some random girl power quotes in which one of them I find quite ticklish.

"You see a lot of smart guys with dumb women,but you hardly ever see a smart woman with a dumb guy."– Erica Jong

hah, I see huge smiles on faces.

SO TRUE eh??

WHILE it is indeed true that smart women really don't go for dumb guys whilst smart guys always end up with bimbos..

My little mind can't help but think...

"um.. you hardly ever see a smart woman with a dumb guy.. err.... simply because most women are dumb?"

Gosh! what's my problem??!!

I despise my negativity, really.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

'pick up' line

''I drop a tear in the ocean.
And when they find it, I'll stop loving you.''

how bout' that? ;)

Sunday, October 07, 2007

lost symphony

Was doin groceries after church when i received a msg from chantal and she said if i'm still keen on goin to watch her play in a competition at 2pm. I almost forgot.

Anyhow i decided that i should. Had no single clue what was that all about.

Got there at the performing arts centre in Warner's bay at 2 +.
I was snacking lollies away as Chantal gets nervous with every passing minute.

Dressed in a red lengthy sweater with a can-can skirt, she walks up the stage holding a manuscript on her right hand.
She squints her eyes as the brightness of the lights pierce through her eyes.
Yet still, able to afford a half smile while she introduces her solo piece.
She is Melody Huang

Immediately, she pulled the present chair away from the piano and dragged another chair over from the corner of the stage.
She made herself comfortable on her chair and that took a good 25 seconds.
'Man, she must be something.'

She gently place her fingers over the keys, and before i know it...

The judges stopped writing,
The lady who was half asleep at the corner of the hall, got up,
The little kid sitting infront stopped talking.
I was there, watching closely, listening so attentively,
I was mesmerized. for once I am proud to be an asian.
'man,she IS something'

And that was only her first piece. It only gets better each time she step up on stage. She never fails to impress everyone, every piece in every different categories.
I could not detect a single flaw. Her scales were mind-blowing.
I was practically idolizing her. Well, almost.
...Until she went up for her 4th piece,

Ahha!, finally. A slight turbulence. oh well. She's human afterall. I needed that so badly,(i'm such a sadist am i) .

No. I just wanted to prove one point.
Point proven. :)

Chantal-2nd place for every category. She's already a champion the moment she step up on stage anyway ;)

If there was one place on earth that will be fulfilling.
Saw that? Right there. That very spot. My ultimate dream:)


This rather old granny came up to us.
She looks 80+ and she's still playing the piano every single day. Despite what her parents said bout her pursuing her piano, she continued with her passion. As she recalls what her former piano teacher said to her, she quote:

" You don't play the notes, you play the music that's written in it"

and I saw tears welled up in her eyes.

Which reminds me..

You and I got along so well. I was determined, pursuing you all my life. I fought for you. I struggled to keep you. I persevered. You were my best company. My best friend. You were my passion.
You were the one.

what went wrong?

I'm sorry I neglected you.
I'm sorry I gave up on you.
I'm sorry I doubted you.
I'm sorry you used to be my number one and now you're hardly remembered.
I'm sorry I didn't choose

No you were never forgotten, How could i ever. You never left me.

You know I'll come back for you.

Wait for me.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Someone said I should start writing proper posts. As in, not jz brief lines or having one whole entire post anaphorically written.

Apart from the fact that I naturally don't write so well (but still taktau malu wanna blog) and try my best to keep my posts short to avoid too many grammar mistakes, I thought that I'd reveal this much about me and yet, not enough for one to truly know me.

Hang on, hear me out.

I agree that blogging is indeed a good way to keep in touch especially when you're apart from friends, but see, here's the catch. we begin to take for granted when everything seems so convenient. Then we tend to not take the effort to call, or simply chat online. Cuz with only a click away, you can simply just read her/his blog (when you're free/ feel like it) and, tadaaa. You assume, you know what's going on.

I am not generalizing.

I guess not revealing enough simply creates the chance of having conversations between 2 friends as you chat online, or rather, when 2 friends meet up? Not just mere conversations, but genuine ones because trust me, ppl reveal only what they choose to reveal. You don't know much untill to talk to them in person.

(ah,...I'm not very much a cyber person, am I)

I am not saying writing a 1000 words post is a bad thing. but I am only implying that writing less does not necessarily mean it is a bad thing.

and this is also something that i ought to work on.

Call my friends more often. Send meaningful smses. Meet up.

I could be really annoying sometimes.

I know. -___-''

I'm not too sure what I am trying to prove either. Nvm, disregard this post.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Aftermath of FOCUS camp

I learned...

that I need to be more diciplined when it comes to reading my bible.

that I've got poor general knowledge.

that I'm blessed with great friends.

that I need to pray more often.

A new word.

that I am ignorant.

that I've got my priorities all wrong.

that I need to take up at least, A sport.

to accept differences.

there are indeed caring ppl in this world.

that I suck at telling lies.

that christians are also human and are imperfect.

that I am too harsh sometimes.

that I need to be more appreciative.

that I am a good accuser.

that I CAN dice cucumbers.

that I should be less sensitive.

to accept hard facts.

that God should be the focus in my life.

that I've been stagnant in my music.

that the opposite sex are indeed very much the opposite.

that I've been selfish.

what does it mean to be in the body of Christ.

that there are so many hidden talents.

that I have so much more to learn.

that my stamina never improved,

yet,I survived camp :)