Friday, January 25, 2008

home.. where are you??

So, you're back home. yeah.
I mean, come on, you're finally back, to this place you call home.
familiar places, streets, odour.
Afterall this is where you grew up.
It should be great.

Despite the countless reports on missing childs , robbery, rape cases, killing, chopping human into pieces.. and trust me, you don't wanna know the details.. everysingle day in the papers, I said to myself, 'I'm 21, I can't just stay home, and the 'party' only begins at 11pm. I need to get a life.'

Well, no curfew for me. Easy? No. that only makes it so much harder for me, because it means i gotta be responsible for every step i take. i see how liberal my parents already are with the two of us. it would be easier for them to just say. 'no, you gotta be back home by 10.30pm'
but that would suck, wouldnt it.

At the same time, I often feel how in dilemma they are. Afterall, we (me & sis) are their only 2 invaluable possessions.

I don't give two crap bout whatever's going out there and I don't want to know because I just wanna hang out with my friends and the only time most ppl can make it is during the nights. I am already taking so much precautions like not wearing obscene clothings, looking my worst possible, wearing double undies, making sure my car's locked the moment i get in, stay attentive, and walk/go out in groups!
(ok, I was kiddin bout the double undies)

So you think that's fair enough.
I thought so.

Just two days ago, the three of us, ryl,wy and myself, were just waiting for min, to head for supper and we were standing at the corner of the road with the car parked along the road and along came this man around his 50's.
believe me when I say the road is very wide and there were ample space for you to walk. BUT he went squeezing between us and said 'Excuse me girls, can I just get to my motorbike'.


MAYBE we were obstructing the traffic. After giving him MORE space to walk,
I caught him STILL looking and more precisely now, STARING at us and so, I continued to look at him . wy already felt uneasy while ryl's still on the phone with min giving directions. So what happened was, he walked up to us and with a good 5 seconds, along with great eye contact he said "you girls are really brave ppl huh... to stand here, at this hour, this time. " and he gave in the most sarcastic & disgusting smile ever.
WHAT the..

nvm, so wy suggested we all stay in the car until min arrives.
SEE. Another precaution.

Tell me, am I suppose to stay home at this hour because YOU, hinted us bout the dangers of being out at night and that there are potential ppl like YOU who'd kidnap us and then rape us. ???!

I was fuming. to the point I became speechless.

See, I DO wanna get a LIFE. but stepping out of the house is like risking your life. and you live in fear just being out there.

and because of that, most girls' curfew is at 12a.m. Does it make a difference for me to not have one?
[VERY potong-steam, especially when you're halfway playing taboo / pictionary ;) -inside joke]

It's advisable to not go for a jog alone, drive into a car park alone, or just stroll around the park alone.
because they'll kidnap you, and you won't be found. If you are found, it is only because you've been gang raped and you've been chopped into pieces.

oh.. ohhh..
and don't get me started with the 'police'..

I love the food...but other than that,
my country disgusts me.

1 comment:

aehknum said...

My curfew is 11pm =S

(I supposed that time my teh O ais limau just reached, haha!)
