Sunday, October 07, 2007

lost symphony

Was doin groceries after church when i received a msg from chantal and she said if i'm still keen on goin to watch her play in a competition at 2pm. I almost forgot.

Anyhow i decided that i should. Had no single clue what was that all about.

Got there at the performing arts centre in Warner's bay at 2 +.
I was snacking lollies away as Chantal gets nervous with every passing minute.

Dressed in a red lengthy sweater with a can-can skirt, she walks up the stage holding a manuscript on her right hand.
She squints her eyes as the brightness of the lights pierce through her eyes.
Yet still, able to afford a half smile while she introduces her solo piece.
She is Melody Huang

Immediately, she pulled the present chair away from the piano and dragged another chair over from the corner of the stage.
She made herself comfortable on her chair and that took a good 25 seconds.
'Man, she must be something.'

She gently place her fingers over the keys, and before i know it...

The judges stopped writing,
The lady who was half asleep at the corner of the hall, got up,
The little kid sitting infront stopped talking.
I was there, watching closely, listening so attentively,
I was mesmerized. for once I am proud to be an asian.
'man,she IS something'

And that was only her first piece. It only gets better each time she step up on stage. She never fails to impress everyone, every piece in every different categories.
I could not detect a single flaw. Her scales were mind-blowing.
I was practically idolizing her. Well, almost.
...Until she went up for her 4th piece,

Ahha!, finally. A slight turbulence. oh well. She's human afterall. I needed that so badly,(i'm such a sadist am i) .

No. I just wanted to prove one point.
Point proven. :)

Chantal-2nd place for every category. She's already a champion the moment she step up on stage anyway ;)

If there was one place on earth that will be fulfilling.
Saw that? Right there. That very spot. My ultimate dream:)


This rather old granny came up to us.
She looks 80+ and she's still playing the piano every single day. Despite what her parents said bout her pursuing her piano, she continued with her passion. As she recalls what her former piano teacher said to her, she quote:

" You don't play the notes, you play the music that's written in it"

and I saw tears welled up in her eyes.

Which reminds me..

You and I got along so well. I was determined, pursuing you all my life. I fought for you. I struggled to keep you. I persevered. You were my best company. My best friend. You were my passion.
You were the one.

what went wrong?

I'm sorry I neglected you.
I'm sorry I gave up on you.
I'm sorry I doubted you.
I'm sorry you used to be my number one and now you're hardly remembered.
I'm sorry I didn't choose

No you were never forgotten, How could i ever. You never left me.

You know I'll come back for you.

Wait for me.

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