Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Someone said I should start writing proper posts. As in, not jz brief lines or having one whole entire post anaphorically written.

Apart from the fact that I naturally don't write so well (but still taktau malu wanna blog) and try my best to keep my posts short to avoid too many grammar mistakes, I thought that I'd reveal this much about me and yet, not enough for one to truly know me.

Hang on, hear me out.

I agree that blogging is indeed a good way to keep in touch especially when you're apart from friends, but see, here's the catch. we begin to take for granted when everything seems so convenient. Then we tend to not take the effort to call, or simply chat online. Cuz with only a click away, you can simply just read her/his blog (when you're free/ feel like it) and, tadaaa. You assume, you know what's going on.

I am not generalizing.

I guess not revealing enough simply creates the chance of having conversations between 2 friends as you chat online, or rather, when 2 friends meet up? Not just mere conversations, but genuine ones because trust me, ppl reveal only what they choose to reveal. You don't know much untill to talk to them in person.

(ah,...I'm not very much a cyber person, am I)

I am not saying writing a 1000 words post is a bad thing. but I am only implying that writing less does not necessarily mean it is a bad thing.

and this is also something that i ought to work on.

Call my friends more often. Send meaningful smses. Meet up.

I could be really annoying sometimes.

I know. -___-''

I'm not too sure what I am trying to prove either. Nvm, disregard this post.

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