except that his name is not mickey.
i present you..
Pinkeyyyyy.!. (eh,i suka-lah...)
my subject for today :)
This is not the 'before' picture.
Ok, the story begin like this, we were suppose to dissect a mouse and i was getting all excited~ and when the demonstrator showed us how to go about it, and i thought that's it, i am not doin this. It's too cruel.
Fortunately, we don't have to kill the mice. The mice has been killed,for us -__-''
My partner sp, was late,and I ended up having to do the 'surgery' alone. fuyohhh. *feeling like a surgeon*
Since we are not allowed to hold on to anything that will be go out of the lab, ie handphones, (to avoid contamination) I did it anyway :D
But see, i changed my gloves a couple of times all for the sake of the pictures and since i was sitting at the back row,Alone.as usual.*sobsob *.. NO ONE COULD SEE ME.
AND I secretly took out my hp . he he he.
This is messy. I didn't have the opportunity to take the 'before' picture, because this lab assistant, (chinese malaysian girl) was so afraid that I'll freak out alone with the mouse and she kept looking at me handling the mouse, and telling me what to do.which was quite helpful,quite.
We had to cut off the two limbs, and then try to remove the muscles and tissues as clean as possible so that we will be left with the bones. (yeah, we are suppose to extract the bone marrow)
and this is supposingly the 'after' picture. When the two limbs are cut off.
and this is the bone. after all the hard work.
(It tends to be less scary when it becomes a job)
And i dont have the picture when i was flushing out the bone marrow. BecauseTheGirlWasWatchingMe,again. So basically, the bone marrow is in the bone duhh and we had to inject some media solution into the bone cavity with a syringe and then flush the bone marrow out, until the bone look transparent.
muscle tissues everywhere... eeeeEEEeeeeee
The fur is so soft ... i actually further skinned the mouse and i wanted to bring this home but got scolded by some of them :(
This. was after everything. Had to do cell counting under the microscope.
Had to post this up, cuz I injected the sample under the glass. what a perfect square ^-^'' ahhh...
(for those who don't quite understand, that's fine. Just feel the joy and satisfaction with me
And after the whole satisfaction thing and all..
No, i haven't changed my mind. I am still NOT for lab work after degree.
Started at 2pm and finished at 5.30pm. -__-
Not good.
Proceeded to AIC after that, (wanted to be a hero,again) thinking i could continue with my next assignment.
And those killers. i never bought them. (I'm broke, remember?) STILL, someone has to distribute them. !!!joyce!!!!
ahh..I can never run away from them. Now you see where the source of my fats .
and No, I'm not at Uni. I left.
I'm blogging at home, i needed to do something 'non-academic' :)
Extracting bone marrows? So nice!! I also one.. Pathology ah?
hahah.. .yeah..bone marrows. kinda cool lah... it's immuno lab. yeah was fun!..:D you also get to do waddd..!
i cannot believe u actually took pictures of that poor tiny little mouse died-ed at such young age and torn like that and post it...
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