Thursday, September 20, 2007

God = Love

Did a one-on-one bible reading with J.shi today,our usual on wednesdays.

We proceeded with 1 John 4:7. "God's love and ours"

We were going through the passage and this verse struck me, again.
"We love because He first loved us" 1John4:19.
And it reminds me of my first few encounters with God.

Oh yea, this is one of the first few basics of christianity and some of you would have known this verse by heart.
But this verse serves as one of my most prominent life altering moment.

I grew up with the understanding that love exist. And by nature, i do love as well.
And all these while, especially for those who know me really well, know that I love with all my heart, and I give up my all, just for love. Having to go through every single thing regardless of what I had to sacrifice, I would. And all for the sake of love.

Untill at one point I started questioning, Why was I the only one who is able to love 100% and give in 101% when it comes to this person I love, and often I ended up in frustrations. I thought all these while, I was the only one who is able to love that much. And I even thought of how much I've done just for love and NO ONE can love this much. All these eventually led to pride.

I became so self-righteous in love.

"We love because He first loved us" 1 John 4:19
And it really struck me hard. What was I even thinking? How was I even able to love if it weren't for Him. What love was I even talking about. Where did it even come from?

Let's look at how the bible describe
Love :

"Love is patient,love is kind.
It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
love never fails."

1 Corinthians 13:4.

Love does not boast. But I fail that one.
Love is not proud. I fail that too.
Love is not self-seeking. Where I have been.
Love is not easily angered. Countless times where love was never returned.
Love does not envy. And I envy just as much.
Love always trusts. This, I fail half the time.
Love never fails. .. ......

I fail to love. I did.

I can never live up to this expectation. The true definition of love.
After all these years of being so righteous bout love.
First of all, I was abled by Him to Love and without Him I am nothing. and I will not even be given the privilege to know what Love is like. But there I was, talking and preaching about Love, just as the world did. About how much effort I have been putting in and the sacrifices I have made when it comes to love and how much I understood love.

oh how little did i know.

It is not I who s sacrificed, it is not I who s loved so much. I never did. I never could have. Because I am imperfect.

It is He who loved so much. It is He who gave His only Son. It is Jesus who has sacrificed. It is He who is able to give His love 100%. He is God and God is love. The true definition of Love.

I was blind. But now I see. It is just so overwhelming and comforting to know that there is a perfect Love although we are living in a broken world. Relationships don't lasts and love often fail us and all these because of sin. But be still and know that there is a God who offers love, a love so perfect and everlasting.

It is through Jesus now that I am able to love.

And I can never thank Him enough for this :)


aehknum said...


Thanks heaps! This is all I need.

I know all these (I even preach on them) but I do forget, sometimes.

Thanks for such a great reminder. I also always give my all in loving ppl (friends) and never get back what I give. But I know I loved just because He first loved me.

That's the "motto verse" for my blog initially.

Thanks again! Hugs

Im proud of you.

Jun Shi said...

AMEN sis!!
Very encouraging!!
Reading about it all over again reminds me of what it actually means and there's so much that I have to learn.
N yeah, His love never fails.

EcCentr|c (Emmerie W) said...

heyhey. oh yeah. jz got struck really hard by tht verse. but yeah. i actually meant that i used to preach about MY definition of love, which is prob no love at all.and yeah. Now i know what true love is yeah=)there you go!.thanks for dropping by anyway!you take care!

EcCentr|c (Emmerie W) said...

jshi: heyyy=) thanks to you that i am reminded of it as well. you're right. His love never fails=)
